Casey: Customer Service Coordinator

This article focuses on the configuration, and running of Casey: Customer Service Coordinator.

Creating a faster and better customer experience is the prime need of any business. Casey provides superior customer experience by helping ensure every customer inquiry has the highest service standards for account opening and other internal processes. She automates and evaluates service queries across different communication platforms, such as routing inquiries to internal departments to address customer requests, obtaining internal approvals, and updating internal systems.

AI-enabled, Casey works alongside human colleagues to improve customer experience, reduce costs, and improve the lives and experience of employees. She interacts with customers all day through email and company portals to route product and service requests to specific departments. This empowers specialists to accelerate customer services. Casey opens the service tickets, completes the service requests herself, and seeks help from human colleagues to resolve problems. She works across multiple departments, rerouting and helping resolve complex inquiries.

Section 1: Email Enhanced Configuration

Prepare your Use Case (or Prepare your Digital Workers) dialog box is located under the Use Case/Digital Workers tab of Control Tower and then click on the settings button for the selected business process.

Input/Output Settings

  • This section explains the ingestion process. There are two kinds of ingestion activities, general and document ingestion.

General Ingestion

General ingestion is located under the Use Case/Digital Workers tab of Control Tower. The Prepare Your Use Case box and Input/Output settings have options to limit the number of transactions that can process in a single run. The recommended maximum is 150.

General Ingestion

Casey is the email triage digital worker. She supports the ingestion of documents via email and S3 document storage.

  • It is the process of collecting and importing documents from distinct configured incoming sources into a database or storage for immediate reference.
  • The Minio S3 ingestion Path allows the configuration of the folder S3 from anywhere documents must be picked for processing.

The email ingestion path has multiple configuration options for enhancing triage.

Email Aliases: Email credentials are stored in the Secrets Vault for security purposes and the aliases of those email inboxes can be configured.

Email Ingestion Folder: The Minio S3 folder stores emails and attachments.

Email Ingestion Configuration

The following table helps to configure email protocols.



Email Protocol

Choose the Protocol with which the Exchange servers can connect.

Email Domain

This is for the Exchange protocol only. Enter the domain of the email address.


Email Server

This is for the Exchange protocol only. Enter the email server.


Exchange Version

This is for the Exchange protocol only. Choose which version of the Exchange server to use

Email Host

This is for IMAP or POP3 protocols. Enter the email host.

Email Host Port

This is for IMAP or POP3 protocols. Enter the port the email host uses.

Email SSL Enabled

This is for IMAP or POP3 protocols. Enable or disable the email host SSL.

OCR Settings

Configure the OCR specification for Casey

General Ingestion

Casey is the email triage digital worker. She supports the ingestion of documents via email and S3 document storage.

  • It is the process of collecting and importing documents from distinct configured incoming sources into a database or storage for immediate reference.
  • The Minio S3 ingestion Path allows the configuration of the folder S3 from anywhere documents must be picked for processing.

The email ingestion path has multiple configuration options for enhancing triage.

Email Aliases: Email credentials are stored in the Secrets Vault for security purposes and the aliases of those email inboxes can be configured.

Email Ingestion Folder: The Minio S3 folder stores emails and attachments.

Email Ingestion Configuration

The following table helps to configure email protocols.

Section 2: Start Screening

  1. Go to Control Tower > Business Processes > Document Handling Ingestion Process and expand the process definition, Next, click the process name.
  2. The BP window appears. Click the three dots to expand a menu and make a copy of the business process.

3. No data should be entered and set the “No Data“ in the data tab.

4. Save parameters, select Run, and click Run This Process.

Now, wait for the Ingestion Process to complete.

5. Control Tower > Business Processes > Main Document Handling Process to expand the process definition.

6. Next, click the process name. The BP window appears. Follow the above 1 to 4 steps to run the second process.

Section 3: Analytics

Casey accelerates the process of Customer service by handling numerous inboxes simultaneously for different mobile and web portals. She handles customer inquiries with speed and ease to enhance email triage.

The Dashboard allows you to monitor and troubleshoot the underlying process, as well as evaluate its efficiency and quality through key metrics such as Automation Rate, Average Verifications Performed Daily, and SLA (Service Level Agreement). These metrics allow you to evaluate process throughput, understand high-level quality, monitor internal SLA, and predict the impact on customer satisfaction.

Dashboard explains the complete overview of the email triage operation along with the metrics to gain insights and enable the business users for data-driven decision and this way Casey is creating a better, faster customer experience.